
Showing posts from September, 2023

u can really Google anything

  Here are different tips on how to make wool less itchy: Wash using a special detergent. Use Shampoo and Hair conditioner. Steam the wool item. Use mustard powder. Vinegar and Salt solution. Use Baking soda with ammonia. Use Glycerin. Freeze the Wool.

Real soup, anyone?

  I love Bernie Taupin. He has a new memoir out.   I look forward to reading it.  It’s supposed to be unusually   candid about his life and times. He had great respect for Andy Warhol but he says talking to him was like talking to an 8 year old girl.  

ZZ Flop

  Lately, I’ve been thinking about and hopin for my old concrete poem zzz to come true.  F or the past week, it did not. I am back from the darkless planet Insomnia.                  p             e     e         e             e     l                       l s                               s                                                       y                w a                                      a                                                                                            2 d r e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e m m m m mmm   z                                   z                 z      z                                             z z                                                                   z

Allan Watts

  The secret to life is the actualization of your genuine interests.