
Showing posts from April, 2023


  Shrinks and sociologists talk about weak ties or peripheral ties - in contrast to close ties to family and intimate friends. Weak ties include neighbors, classmates, congregants, shopkeepers, service workers, life guards, bartenders, visitors. Scientifically speaking , these interactions boost positive moods.   a beautiful 20’ by 40” rug depicting Africa is sprawled out on the lower 5th sidewalk. A guy with a distinguished more than middle aged mug is taking pictures of it. I stop and admire.   He says something like … great huh.   I say yeah.   beautiful. amazing. I ask him if he’s buying it.   He says no .. I’m selling it .   I say … wow, good for you. He says … it really belongs in a museum . He says a lot more but his accent is thick … but it really doesn’t matter … it’s his tone and warmth that penetrates and counts.   I wish him luck and continue down the street.  

You and me


Journal entry a year ago today

  I just had sex and walked thru the park. A big guy digs into a tiny cup of ice cream, the expensive kind. The serving is almost the size of a walnut. He doesn’t share it with his sister. A girl sitting on a Sunday bench pushes into her boyfriends shoulder and points to her phone in front of them and says ....  welcome to washington state park.  A kid who looks like the latest guy on the cover of rolling stone who has an audience of mostly women and says he likes trying to figure out what kind of song they like - the guy who looks like him in the park has a messy tie and bushman hair and Irish skin. He fake kisses a guy whos wearing a smudgy satin robe with the word “bride” smeared on the back of it. The chess players stay fixed on their sentry focus and I think about the bee that was bothering me earlier who was almost the size of John Belushi.  The sex didn’t really cut it in a big explosive near spiritual kinda way I coveted. He was nice. At one moment, when I looked up at him while

message on Chinatown pavement


True that

  Nature doesn't need dusting off 

What's yours

  Like an endless scarf in a magicians hat

Spung summertime

  As I said to my sister just now - it's never a good sign when you find yourself binge watching  Cops and The First 48 at three in the morning. change of season, change of mood.  shift, stop, plop. hope its temporary rather than mounting more. not sure of anything except that nothing stays the same - which is both a comfort and a pain. 

Trust, Word, Fact

Wow … Gary Cooper is such a measly actor but he sure was beautiful.   I watched him in I Take This Woman … pre code 1931 … with Lombard.   It’s a big dud but at one point he calls her out on trying to trick him into believing she loves him. She asks ... are you sore ?  I'm not, because there isn't anything worth feeling sore about, nor anything in you worth feeling bad about losing. You're the one feeling sorry for because if you felt about me the way I do about you, you might be pretty happy right now. When something real does come along for you, you'll be too busy filling in time to notice it.  

He pwned his breastplate, pwned his foe at his own game and resumed pwning his latest job

Pwn is the word of the day.   It has as many pronunciations as it has letters.   It means one of the following … to unfasten a metalic object to defeat a competitor   to excavate a tunnel


There's nothing better than hanging out with a happy three year old girl who wants to dazzle you with her beauty and endless sense of play.  Making a moment out of a whole lot of nothing, reminding you that it doesn't take an ice cream truck to get you moving into a fun day to savor and remember.