
Showing posts from March, 2024

Migrants playing checkers ...

... with bottle caps - on a juke joint porch after a "freeze out" of vegetable crops. Okeechobee, Florida. 1939.  Marion Post Wolcott.  

oh my

  want to write something ... first came up with how beautiful people looked on the street today ... sometimes they don't ... and then sometimes they do ... omg ... thats all for today. 


  This is my latest attempt .... my fav pic of the parental units. It's 40" by 30" - my biggest.  I wish I had been able to capture my dad's vivid handsomeness more. 

yay day

  listening to Joel mc crea and fay wray try not to get killed in the ’32 movie The Most Dangerous Game . Painting a 40” by 30” painting of my mom and dad pre marriage. She is washing her hair in a cast iron Bronx kitchen sink and he is looking on. The music in the movie is by Max Steiner. It’s gray and cold out so I don’t feel guilty about being inside. I have a book to read and music to play. It’s a good day.  

Noruz 2 u 2

  My good friend Arash sent me this greeting ...  Happy Noruz, my friend. The first moment of spring in the Persian New Year: the sun is equally aligned over the Northern and Southern hemispheres and the earth changes its axis to the rebirth of life. May your coming year be full of light and love like the blooming forests, trees, flowers and gardens. Wishing you joy and new beginnings! I remember he once told me he liked this Avedon photo. He said his father used to do that with him. 

surprise !

I've written about Fox Baby before. I saw him in a shop window in Woodstock and a friend bought him for me. He's been on my kitchen shelf for years and just now I discovered he has the sweetest little wings and tush. Didn't I ever turn him around? It seems impossible.  

a whole lotta new & gone happenings here

Thats what I love about this place. I've been roaming round here my whole adult life and I never noticed until today how the Empire state is so luvaly framed just a smidge south of Sheridan Square.  Amazing that I haven noticed it in a half century. Speaking of  ...   Village Cigars is no longer smoking. OMG more than kinda.

cottage please

  This is my latest painting - a real life dreamscape of my dreamy summer place that ceaselessly pleasures. I most wanted to capture the setting sunlight on the side of the house and all the green and patches before the most extravagant extravagance - the ceaseless sea. It’s fun to paint no matter what or why or how good.

The speech

  Did you notice the woman secret service woman? She looks like a seasoned, well dressed lawyer who stopped by before picking up something for dinner at Whole Foods. Good on her.   I began watching hoping he’d hit … 37 points   … and decided to count them   State of the union’24 … 37 points   Wake up congress! Lincoln Overseas Putin Ukraine We will not bow down. History is watching.   Jan 6 .   Civil war … YOU CAN;T LOVE YOUR COUNTRY ONLY   WHEN YOU WIN. Your grand KIDS WILL READ ABOUT THIS DAY Congress stand up for families avf Trump overturned pro choice… rape incest …   Housing taxes Preschool, reading Public school teachers a raise Fiscal defecit … saved a trillion … pay their fair share/change tax code Teacher sanitation nurse SS on chopping block … I will stop you Food package sizing Less interest on credit cards I will not separate families …   John lewis … the march … voting rights bill passed five months later Make history … not repeat or repress it Workers rights Raise minimu

Everything is rent

  A good friend sent me a video of her grandson playing Angel in Rent in his high  school musical. It made me cry - the sweetness and youth and the recollections of that time that killed my friends and seeped so indelibly into our lives for years and years. Several songs really knock me out much more than they should.   No day but today - didn’t feel like it today.  
  Sprechgesang   ( German:    "spoken singing") and  Sprechstimme  ( German:   "spoken voice"), sometimes known as speak-singing in English, are  expressionist musical  vocal techniques between  singing  and  speaking . Though sometimes used interchangeably,  Sprechgesang  is directly related to the  operatic   recitative  manner of singing - in which pitches are sung, but the articulation is rapid and loose like speech -  whereas  Sprechstimme  is closer to speech itself because it does not emphasise any particular pitches).


  A first time ever in a dream last night .... the person was the opposite sex ... from woman to man ... in real life her name is Gaynor ... dreams play playful tricks on us.  Once in a while ... that Buddhist GAP thing ... you walk down the street and it fills you with joy ... even though loved ones are troubled, scores of chidlren are killed, evil men succeed. still. you're walking down the street. you can. you do and go home and play with paint and eat tasty.  a good handshake is an important thing.  my favorite muscles ... obliques

4 4 1

  I’m listening to Samuel Barber. Adagio for strings, Op.11 … da sheet.   I met a brand new neighbor in the lobby and told her I’d like to meet her two young sons and even her ball and chain. Dad DNA. But she smiled.   10Almostsnotquites … The 4 Faces of Eve Born on the 5th of July 2 Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 4 Coins in a Fountain Born on the 5th of July 6 Easy Pieces   8 Year Itch Stalag 18 South by Southeast West of Eden I just saw an extraordinarily beautiful couple on the street. She was very young, maybe a daughter, maybe trophy mrs, mega Michelle Philips like, perfect features sweet doesn’t-take-up-take-up-much-space demeanor. He was Superman square jawed and silver spiky hair and teeth, a fresh white hoodie with geometric design, tall moving. As I passed them, he said to her “he really is a fuckin' little shitty prick.”