my lovely niece never misses an opportunity to turn out and up big time when it comes to holiday celebrations ... a fine repast was had by all while some of the kids played in the backyard
Have been indulging in all things mid century Roman lately - reading about the beginnings of neo-realism, Pucci fashion papparazzi. Watched A Special Day last night on Youtube - a very special movie. Sophia and Marcello are skyrocket superb. The script is, too. At one point while she’s making coffee, prettying up for him in front of the bathroom mirror and dealing with an old nosey neighbor - he looks at an album of Mussolini fotos he assumes is one of her six childrens. It's hers - a scrapbook of her savior and sex symbol. Brilliant. Watch a ’77 Cavett interview with SL and MM on the Tube. It affirms you don’t have to be skinny and blond and twenty to emit heart stopping sex appeal.
My old apartment is completely empty ex for an almost empty bottle of Windex. It’s been less than a week since I left it and now it’s unlocked. I like to go down and visit. There’s something strange and special about an empty apartment. Besides the echo - it evokes a number of things for me. The past, the future, quietude, melancholy, loss, Last Tango in Paris - where Brando and the young French sexpot both check out a beautiful empty apartment and I think Brando rents it and they meet there and have wild sex and he makes her promise to never say or tell him her name and vice versa and it's such a wild fantasy, two nameless people flooring it again and again for good or bad underneath a night skyway in the City of Lights.
Memories Made 🩷