Star crossed mad love story
Fri 9/23
I went to a Diane Arbus show today. My fav foto of hers isn’t considered one of her classics. I bet there are ten reasons why I love it.
- The moody setting - a sketchy area, maybe a port town, maybe Marseille.
- The print is as fuzzy as the story and the two past their prime characters.
- She is small, unkempt hair, a little top that makes her look like she’s still trying some. She still has her waist and her pocketbook and her hand on his arm.
- All her attention is focused on him. She is angry and she’s been here done this a million times.
- He looks far away with a “fuck, not this again” look.
- He has a cigarette on the ready in case he needs to do something other than address her distress.
- He wears a shiny shirt that makes me wonder what color it is. It’s not bad, in between casual and dressed some. He's a party boy.
- He’s got good hair, it’s cut well, he’s vain about it.
- They will amp up and then calm down and then eat and listen to music. Again.
- They will be together for a long while because he needs her much more than she needs him.
I love how you see and feel so much.