
Walking down the street - not much wind this evening. It feels nice, but a little raw - like snow or calm before a storm. They keep promo-ing the release of the body cam video tonight of Tyre Nichols in Memphis - like heralding the release of a new Taylor Swift bad boyfriend tell all or the latest Beyonce drop.  Funny not funny - violence now is both the new collective daily shock and yawn.  

I’m reading about Dylan songs. As for  Blowin’ in the Wind - a colleague of a musicologist said he didn’t get it. The professor said ...  

what’s not to get ... how many roads must a man walk down before they call him I man. 

oh, I get that

They go through each and every how many -  

oh I get all that

then what don’t you get? 

How can the answer have anything to do with telling us to just blow in the wind?


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