Armageddon tired of wondering about this


My mother had good eye sight but she certainly didn’t have very good proper adult super vision at times.  The other night I watched Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner being movie stars - On the Beach - Australia, about submarines, nuclear annihilation, radioactive death, no hope for mankind, nada, zippo, zilch.  I saw it when it came out in 1959. I was nine and had no idea what the story was about but I got scared anyhoo. What was I doing in that theater?  Who was I with?  Is it possible I went to it without anyone knowing?  Most likely, my mom looked it up in the Legion of Decency and saw that it wasn’t condemned. Maybe she thought it was a sandy Annette and Frankie deal. Now its just one of those mysteries that’s as gone forever as my ancestor.


  1. My mother dropped me at theatre with my friend to see Psycho.
    And again, for Gypsy. How i learned about strippers

  2. Fred Astaire was in it. What could go wrong?


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