when zing go the strings of our hearts


The great writer Joan Didion said she first knew she was in love with her soon to be husband when she watched him take off his tie in front of a full length mirror while singing Who Can I Turn To very off key. It made me think of Leonard, affectionately known as my big, fat boyfriend. His doctor told him when he delivered his twelve pound plus self, Lenoard jumped off the operating table and they walked out of the room hand in hand. He was an endearing lug for sure. One night, for some stupid reason, I insisted we eat dinner at the small table in my kitchen. Begrudgingly, he did and after a minute or two - he raised his arms and admitted “I feel like a fucking gorilla here.” Done. Cupid pierced me clean and deep right then and there. Who knew? I did. Love has many weird facets and first moments. 


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