Always working it out


Street game can always be refined. But I did OK today. I walked thru my favorite pocket park.  A new dad is taking pictures of his wife and tiny as a teacup baby. How old is she (she wears a band with a flower on on her head) Two weeks he says. I think about asking them if they want me to take a photo of the three of them. And then I think not. They are so new to their new roll and she is so small she quivers with fresh life. 

I continue down the street and hear a guy say to his buddy … whenever I fuck my girlfriend raw, I know it’s very important to remember that and I judge right. I can’t slow up to enough hear him finish his point without getting caught. Darn.

Two blocks north, I run into cop/lawyer Joe from massage school a long, long time ago. I tell him I was just thinking of him two minutes before (which, unbelievably enough, was true). But I don’t relay I couldn’t remember if his name was Bill or Ed or Tom (he said to me ... tell her Joe says hello)

Street game. The challenges and rules are limitless. 


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