ace news and anti fashion

I haven’t exactly been a dazzling icon of sartorial splendor out here. 

Good news from Patty in Brooklyn. Peter, her son, just got a dream job in Rhode Island. His two boys can go to the Gordon School for free. He will be the Director of Social and Emotional Learning and a sports coach. Bette, his wife, is hired as a learning specialist, they get a no rent house on campus and the boys are gonna have a basketball court. The best news today and for a while. Good on him. He is a wonderful man. 

Sun almost down. The sad guy who owns the Sad Dog that Doesn’t Like the Beach is trying once again to turn things around. But he sits sadly on the steps at the end of the right now sad boardwalk. Still no go. I said a little prayer for them. I don’t believe in prayer. 



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