Missing links

 There’s not much stuff I wish I hadn’t lost along the way - thousands and thousands of days ago - some time,somewhere. One I can think of is the one and only trophy I won - Camp Dineen - Honor Camper - which basically meant I was a shy, quiet kid who didn’t give any authority unit any significant lip. I folded my clothes like an adult and didn’t complain about the bugs or bug juice. 

I think if I could have anything I used to have - I’d choose the cufflinks I had as a very young kid, maybe ten. What did they look like - gold I remember, when and why did I get them, who gave them to me, what happened to them? A trophy and cufflinks aren’t exactly things you leave in a coffee shop or at the beach or under a tree. Where are they today? The cufflinks made me feel special, no one else had them - well, maybe my dad … I’m not sure. Maybe they were his and he thought them too fancy to take a fancy to. I loved wearing them and a white dress shirt by a fire - on a holiday - eating too many Parker House rolls.  

Bittersweet mysteries all time unsolved. 

What do you wish you still had?


  1. Souvenir program from The Beatles' concert at Shea Stadium in 1966. I was 13. Opening acts: The Ronettes and The Cyrkle (Red Rubber Ball song)


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