mom washes her hair while my comely dad looks on


I'm looking thru family photos to give fam when I see them for Christmas ... group shots of various sisters, nieces, nephews, sisters, brothers, aunts/uncles, me, friends, babies, parental units, grand types before and after me  ...  and as a nephew said when I gave him a photo of a bunch of our tribe last christmas - of christmases long ago ... forty percent of us are gone but as someone smart once said ... we are gone for good when no one thinks or talks about us anymore.  That will be a very long time - long after I gotta pay electric bills and figure out if I want Chinese for dinner - before the inevitable happens and I finally see what's what or not. 

I might paint this - the two people who got me here. aren't they fab? no money just beauty and sweetness and future. I wish I could hear their conversation - before the six of us were born and added joy and trouble to their lives.


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