Make stories - not America - great again

I am watching Feud - about Truman Capote and his socialite swans … who killed him after he tried to kill them.  They do this thing in the series thats becoming more popular, even though I think it tends to be more confusing than not. Time jumping. back and forth and back again … like in Fellow Travelers - but not like in Funny Girl - where she sits in a theater and remembers back - the movie unfolds and it ends a little later that theater night when Omar Sharif shows up and says his final adios. In this new trend … 1985, 1955, 1975 - it gets confusing.  Would Psycho be better if it opened with Norman and the fly in the police precinct? Would Gone with the Wind be better if Gable told Scarlett he didn’t give a damn in the first minute of the movie? The older I get the more I think ... just tell the story straight through - and one more thing ... more is less, more or less, most of the time. 


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