mommy m.i.a.

I have these across the street neighbors. Two women - or there used to be - and twin boys, now around six maybe. I first noticed the little family when the boys began to run around loose and frenzied with always a watchful eye on them. They blasted out of their building like they hadn’t seen daylight in months. Big Mom, who seemed way tougher than Small Mom, bought a bicycle built for three that she locked up in front of their building. It was stolen a number of times and she finally gave up. I haven’t spotted her for many months. Her partner stopped smoking and now walks a little ugly city dog instead. The two boys still bound around like dizzy, happy creatures. They wear glasses now which makes them even cuter. I wonder about Big Mom. Gone away? Dead? I don’t know which would be worse. I hope she’s on a long business trip that reaps giant rewards.


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