
Glory be!  In case you’re one of my maybe 3 followers (or go 3 blogs back) - fab news - Big Mom is back. Smaller and with a mask over her face - which makes me think she may have been seriously sick. She’s playing with her two four eyed adorable munchkins across the street as I write. Makes my day, maybe my week. We'll see.

For about three hours last night, late, I thought I lost my mom’s wedding ring that I asked her for when I was twelve. For a while, was resigned that I lost it on the street after I was playing with it on my pinky finger on my couch. Made me realize there’s nothing else I would rather not lose. 

I love watching people walk down the street across the street  - especially twosomes. Kids are so much more bouncy and alive than us old, earthbound, lumbering sloths. 


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