An old new yorker like me


Lynda Sue sent me a package of old magazines. I love this cover. 1949. I was in my mothers belly at the time. It cost 20 cents. Its 8.99 on the newstand now.  I like it because I’m not sure what they are trying to convey. A Picasso ghost above a Naguchi coffee table and super modernist sculpture in the corner. 

It  was done my Mary Petty. Her satirical drawings were also affectionate. She was a reticent person and when her work began appearing in the new magazine, she did not go to The New Yorker offices for a long time. Nothing was known about her. Petty was assaulted and beaten by a mugger in 1971 and was found three days after the incident on Ward's Island. She never wholly recovered and died five years later at a nursing home in Paramus, New Jersey.



  1. I couldn't figure out the cover. At first thought it must be a Halloween issue. Nay nay. January issue.


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