Houses by Judy Collins


You have many houses, one for every seasonMountains in your windows, violets in your handsThrough your English meadows your blue-eyed horses wanderYou're in Colorado for the Spring
When the Winter finds you, you fly to where it's summerRooms that face the ocean, moonlight on your bedMermaids swift as dolphins paint the air with diamondsYou are like a seagull as you said
Why do you fly bright feathered sometimes in my dreams?The shadows of your wings fall over my faceI can feel no air, I can find no peaceBrides in black ribbons, witches in whiteFly in through windows, fly out through the night
Why do I think I'm dying sometimes in my dreamsI see myself a child running through the treesSearching for myself, looking for my lifeLooking everywhere crawling on my kneesI cannot see the leaves, I cannot see the light
Then I see you walking just beyond the forestWalking very quickly, walking by yourselfYour shoes are silver, your coat is made of velvetYour eyes are shining, your voice is sweet and clear"Come on" you say "come with me, I'm going to the castle"
All the bells are ringing, the weddings have begunBut I can only stand here-I cannot move to followI'm burning in the shadows and freezing in the sun
There are people with you living in your housesPeople from your childhood who remember how you wereYou were always flying, nightingale of sorrowSinging bird with rainbows on your wings


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