5 peppers 1 shoe


final Thursday … a wild, loud downpour at two in the morning last night. Got up and ate a chicken thigh and apple sauce. the dream again - dark somewhere in Brooklyn and I am in need of refuge. Brian heard my yelling and screaming and then, before he decided to get up - I stopped. 

this shoe has been alone at the top of the stairs to the beach for half of my stay. one shoe lost? there must be a story there.

The Philly Dads and their brood of tiny kinds like itchy crows made me think of a book we had when we were young . THE FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS AND HOW THEY GREW UP.  I was kinda proud that we beat them by one - six of us kids - moving along and getting taller with better vocabularies. 

watched Baby Reindeer - good


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