I love the whole jury duty thing ...


... going to a different neighborhood, my fellow jurors, the judge, witnesses, victims, DA, prosecutors ... the whole kit and ... 

my dreams have been so operatic and wacky, gargoyley and wet ... it's funny as my slow go with people sustains and at some point moves along and I enjoy them more and show it and probably them me. 

we walk thru a smaller courtroom when we exit our meeting room ... I say this seems cozier than ours and the guy with the long hair down to his waist and shaved sides say it's for cozier crimes. and i answer like stolen knitting needles

there's a court officer we're all fixated on who defines deep, slack frown when she's not sleeping standing up. 

the young kids are very quiet and write a lot of notes. it moves me - how seriously they process the deal. 

made in the USA.


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