My New Troop
I joined a new playwrights group last night that seems promising ... a colorful cast of characters and material - so going round the table:
Bob from LA, gay, bad ping pong birdie size wanna be pony tail high on his crown, look at me eyeglassed.
Mike Sharp, married, kids, unassuming, smart, good hair, his play is about black cowboys
Richie is Vietnamese, a 4th grade teacher and actor - he read my 12 year old Blake and delivered.
Elliot is an actor, whale watching guide and a political puppet. He wears masks at public demonstrations. I asked him if he considered himself a human puppet and he answered gee Paul, I just met you.
Jessica is serious and her piece was about fair housing in Yonkers in the 60s.
Ann works with puppets with Mindy who runs the group. She's got great skin and a look like that proverbial woman who transforms into a looker when she takes off her glasses and loosens her hair.
Michelle is an actor who came late and packed a wallop with her reading of Mindys Elvis play and then
there was another woman who came even later because she had to walk her dog home and then returned only to hear that he could have stayed. He or she - poochie - will make an appearance next time we gather. She looks like an overweight Twyla Tharp.
fingers & feet crossed.
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