
Showing posts from May, 2024

wonderful whiplash

  I won a contest with friends re: the worst sentence for Mister Pig Man T ...  four years of community service at a NYC health clinic examining immigrants' excrement for possible ameobas.  the parasite searches day after day after day for his fellow parasites.   oh happy day sweet Moses & Holy Ghost almighty!

Houses by Judy Collins

  You have many houses, one for every season Mountains in your windows, violets in your hands Through your English meadows your blue-eyed horses wander You're in Colorado for the Spring When the Winter finds you, you fly to where it's summer Rooms that face the ocean, moonlight on your bed Mermaids swift as dolphins paint the air with diamonds You are like a seagull as you said Why do you fly bright feathered sometimes in my dreams? The shadows of your wings fall over my face I can feel no air, I can find no peace Brides in black ribbons, witches in white Fly in through windows, fly out through the night Why do I think I'm dying sometimes in my dreams I see myself a child running through the trees Searching for myself, looking for my life Looking everywhere crawling on my knees I cannot see the leaves, I cannot see the light Then I see you walking just beyond the forest Walking very quickly, walking by yourself Your shoes are silver, your coat is made of velvet Your eyes ar...

Memorial Day

Burst of Joy is a Pulitzer prize winning photo of a family running to their father upon his return from Vietnam. One of the daughters in the photo was on Antiques Roadshow tonight .   She had wartime objects of her fathers - including a pair of black rubber sandals. They were made from a tire on the airplane they shot down when they captured him.    

An old new yorker like me

  Lynda Sue sent me a package of old magazines. I love this cover. 1949. I was in my mothers belly at the time. It cost 20 cents. Its 8.99 on the newstand now.   I like it because I’m not sure what they are trying to convey. A Picasso ghost above a Naguchi coffee table and super modernist sculpture in the corner.   It  was done my Mary Petty. Her satirical drawings were also affectionate. She was a reticent person and when her work began appearing in the new magazine, she did not go to  The New Yorker  offices for a long time. Nothing was known about her. Petty was assaulted and beaten by a mugger in 1971 and was found three days after the incident on Ward's Island. She never wholly recovered and died five years later at a nursing home in Paramus, New Jersey.  

I talked to a guy today ...

 ...  with no hands or legs. When we said goodbye, he said he loved me.  10 movies with picture perfect casts  Moonstruck Godfather His Girl Friday Network Nashville Some Like it Hot Hud Member of the Wedding To Kill a Mockingbird Holiday


Something strange is happening. People are smiling at me on the street. Yesterday a construction worker actually waved at me. It's very uncommon here. Fifty years - never happened. I wonder why now. And when I give it a try, initiate eye contact, a nod, something, it's clearly a go. I love New Yorkers so much.  Always have, always will. I watched a program the other night about Ukranians who rescue animals and they reminded me of my peeps here. Sweet, solid, active. 

the 3 of us

I ’ve begun to play Cupid. Alisha waitresses at Hollywood Diner. She’s Latina pretty,   round 30, no nonsense but sweet underneath. She has a ten year old daughter, seems a little weary of her life and future, or at least that’s my projection. Marcos is Hugo’s counter mate at L & M, my neighborhood deli. He’s built like a lunchbox, like a squat, square headed semi-fit Hercules. He, too is kinda deadpan but friendly in a regular guy kinda fashion. I asked Hugo if he was single. Marcos? Yeah. Yeah. He’s single. He’s single . Hugo often says things twice. How am I today? Fantastic. Fantastic. Visions of extra fries and pickles dance in my hungry head. More chive cream cheese spread on that everything bagel. Dreams could come true. It's possible. For the three of us. 

Not every day has flashbulbs

  I deal with money on the phone, go to lunch with a friend who has grown, deeply troubled sons. We explore them and the pending downfall of America. I drink too much coffee and my upper lip twitches. I deconstruct  wisdom with my sister on the phone and clean my apartment because the film scout is coming tomorrow and wouldn't an extra 12K in my account make my day or year.  I clean  my counter tops, watch Top Chef and eat. 

I've had my fair share ...

  of fairly unusual boyfriends. As Lily Tomlin's Earnestine said of her AT&T customers …  from kings and queens to the scum of the earth.  For instance … Joe Alfredo … circa early 80s. long dark greasy hair, leather vest, super scruffy with odd necklaces, prone to wearing silk stockings under his biker jeans once in a blue moon. I asked him once why he dressed like a Hells Angel  ... cause no one fucks with you when you do . My sister Jessies said ... he's got a point . He lived in his parents basement in Brooklyn and spent most of his time reading the Old Testament and listening to Jim Morrison preach on about breaking on thru to the other side. He would clomp into my shoebox apartment in the Village, raise his arms wide and pronounce  …  why do I feel like I’m home . He once saw me write out a check and asked how I learned how to do that. In soft light, his skin was alabaster.  

stays with me

  I love when gone family members visit through new family ones.  Annetta is four.  Last week I walked home with her family from the farmers market. They are about to leave for Jersey. I ask her "do you miss me already." She looks up and gives me a can't tell a lie sweet as pie smile.  She lowers her voice some and answers with a very long "no-o-o-o-o." She channeled my Scottish mother, Eileen Theresa Clark Graham, her great granny. I felt her there. For an instant. 

TV gold

  comment on Youtube ... I met Theo once, at a gas station, he walked in and he had his shoes on the wrong feet lol, I just looked at them and said “nice shoes dude” and he just said “yuh man I found em” and I said “shame they’re on the wrong feet” and he looked super confused and just said “these are my only feet"



when I was a kid, I asked my mom what famous person she'd like to meet

In 1962 the number one person on TV was Bishop Sheen.   He was invited to give a talk at a prison The warden warned him before he took the stage ...    “Listen, these are not house wives, these are hard core murders So don’t think you can just talk to them like regular folk.” The bishop thanked him and walked on stage and began.   “There is only one difference between me and you, you got caught.”